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Dentist- Mother- Home maker. And, I enjoy juggling all that comes in between playing these roles to perfection :)
Writing is a joy. Unabashed and unadulterated!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Impeccable I am today!

Am in a state of delirium.... delirium of joy i would say. In a situation that's not routine, not normal but it has that tinge of victory and unprecedented joy!

I have too much to tell the world.... too many experiences to share..... too many emotions to display.... too many reactions to handle..... ruthless in your eyes maybe.... yet in my mind- a worthy winner!
I have sort of always been a person who attaches too much importance to people around me. By this i mean our society. I don't like it when someone dislikes me and neither am i comfortable hating people. Quite genuinely. Too much of interrogation can be allergic! And its tough when your thrown in a situation where everyone around you, you know, will look at you with pity and raised eyebrows! And ready with innumerable and idiotic questions! Nah! no relationship issues or problems with in-laws or family. Am super lucky and happy on that front! :)

 But yes, this issue is novel! Am on my way to having the last laugh!! :-) And this time people and reactions and tags don't matter! Why?? Because am in a state of delirium..... delirium of joy! :))
