'Finding Flaws' seems to be the current mantra! Be it our maniac media, our 'in'sane politicians and leaders or the so called 'classes' of the crowd!!
What better example than the Common Wealth Games 2010 that India proudly hosts!!! With our reporters only capturing which wall collapsed and what needs to be done!!! Sad that not one news channel aired what a splendid 'village' is set up there in the midst of a lovely city!!
Its so very disappointing to watch the leaders talk abt who won n who lost in the Ayodhya verdict and preach Humanity and Peace by passing the most controversial of comments and provoking remarks!! Not a single violent incident anywhere in my country after the verdict!!! Isn't that good enough?? That clearly goes in to tell in bold that all that the masses want is 'PEACE'. Such a mature response by the crowd n yet no one to applaud! Not one leader to come out n say to them that their response and support is appreciated!
I know of someone in my workplace who is working round the clock to get the much awaited n much needed international 'tag'! Loaded with responsibilities n just trying to fit in as much possible in the few hours of a day!!! N all that this man gets in return is 'frowns' n jokes cracked on him!!!
Guess such people should first enroll for classes on 'moral values and ethics'!
Loop holes do exist here n there! But unless u appreciate the efforts that have gone in how can you expect someone to perform better?? n surely not with some derogatory remarks!!
ROME was not built in a day! And it was not built by one man!!!
You put in ur first step as a kid- you fall- you stand up again! N that also needs some encouragement from ur mom whose standing rite there cheering u up!!!
Appreciation can do a world of good!!
If only people have the time, to stop n notice the bright side,
n the sense to pat that man for the amount of work tat has gone inside!
Cheers to the efforts, Cheers to appreciation!!
Cheers to the smiles you see in reciprocation!! :-) :-)
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