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Dentist- Mother- Home maker. And, I enjoy juggling all that comes in between playing these roles to perfection :)
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Last Wish

Strong, Powerful, poor or angelic, all of us come down to the same level when we fear of an encounter with death.
However unaffected or mentally prepared we may claim to be, somewhere in the small corners of our hearts and minds we all do hope that death sees us only in the fairy distant future!

And when someone so direly pleads for Euthanasia or mercy killing, its impossible and depressing to even imagine the extent of pain/torture/suffering she/he must be going through. Soo much as to seek for death!!!!

Whether our country gives passive euthanasia a nod or no is yet tobe seen. I have tremendous respect and faith in our Supreme Court.And am sure that their decision, may or may not please all of us, but it surely will be a very very wise one!

But what i want to bring up here (in Aruna Shanbaug's case) is that the culprit should not be forgotten!!!! Shameless and disgusting, he surely is! And his actions need an equally brutal punishment! So, few years of imprisonment by NO means match up with the more than three decades spent on bed by this lovely lady for no damn fault!!!! Like you and me, she must have had many wonderful plans and big, bright dreams but life turned out to be more than unfair!!!

JUSTICE is desperately needed here!!!!!!!! Probably more than mercy killing!!!!!!
And am sure this must be Aruna's 'last wish' as well!!!

Cheers to her last wish!!! Hope the law takes notice of this and caters to justice soon!!!!!