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Dentist- Mother- Home maker. And, I enjoy juggling all that comes in between playing these roles to perfection :)
Writing is a joy. Unabashed and unadulterated!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Am ready!................ What next??? :-)

Gettin ON!! ... And happily so!! Just a fortnite ago i was this totally jobless gurl with a schedule tat would make anyone Jealous ;) Life sure has been a sprint for me!! Atleast the year gone by!!

Betrothal-Marriage-New home- someone's Wife n a daughter in law !!! From being this fun loving college student wid the 'chalta hai yaar' attitude to a Staff (senior resident) and Staff wife n now a Post graduate student!!!! Whoa!!! Lot many changes on the personal n professional front !!! :)

My LAST one month at home was full of chaos! With the D-day approachin, i had umpteen things to do!! And for the first time tis thought crossed my mind- ' Bunk the marriage! Dont wanna leave family n bombay!!! Wish i could go back in time n change things '.......... Did make a decision to marry n settle down but then i felt it was not as easy as i had thot!!

The first month after the wedlock was Funn!! :-) With me being the center of attraction at home n everywer i went.... Found it lil wierd n funny bt enjoyed being the VIP guest!! ;-)) The couple of months tat followed at home were a mixture of responsibilites... enjoyment... boredom... missin my people... settling down... gettin to knw my neighbourhood... overall, a pleasant experience! :) It was a fast fast life in bombay and Hubli is the other side of the coin! Both hv been great so far, ofcourse wid their share of grey patches! But i believe tats needed to make the big picture balanced!! :)

3months of workin n earnin wr jus soo good!! And before i knew it i was back to being a student!! Have seen life as a hostelite n now gettin a taste of wat it is like to start early frm home ... n not have your 'own' room to tk a nap inbetween n listen to ur frnds talk of wat they did last nite in the room n at d nescafe... n then rush bc home before its dark n quiet!!! It surely is a different take!!!

At times i find it amusin wid d way things keep changing in life!! So unpredictable n sometimes soo 'never thot of ' !!! And all the modifications the mind has to go thru so tat it doesn't lose out!!! Fair or unfair i really dont know! Bt gues tats how clock works!! Jus to make us realise tat its all abt 'Movin on' !! :) With a fair share of cribbin n whining! ;)

Its a mixed baggage! Be it Sunshine or the Storm....
Its ultimately all about just Happily GETTIN ON!!! :-) :-) :-)

Let go your sadness, Give up the plight;
Get on the right gear and Take flight!!!
CHEERS!!! :-)))))